Elite PI-1000 AATD
Advanced Simulator
Enhance Your Flight Training Capabilities
LED Monitors
Simulator Specifications
- Aircraft Models
- Loggable
- Training Capabilities
Simulate situations and conditions that would be otherwise unsafe in the air.
Control Loaded Yoke with Active Feedback & Realistic Throttle Quadrant
A fully integrated flight deck packed with the latest features for superior situational awarness, convenience and safety.
Connect your iPad with Foreflight to the simulator for an end-to-end experience
Fly the same approaches, holds and routes as you would locally here in Camarillo or around the world!
Elite PI-1000
Students at CFI use an Elite PI-1000 simulator which the FAA has formally certified as an Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD). This means that the simulator meets the exacting physical, technological and software-based standards set forth by the FAA to allow students to actually log training in a simulator toward the achievement of a private pilot’s license, and even more so for advanced training like instrument, and commercial ratings. The ELITE PI-1000 at CFI features large flat screen LCD monitors to replicate the environment outside the cockpit featuring the Lockheed Martin Prepar3D visuals, and an advanced physical instrument panel with integrated LCD monitors meant to replicate the Garmin G1000, one of the most sophisticated avionics suites in aviation today. And depending on the aircraft selected to simulate, the software perfectly adjusts reference speeds, fuel management, and virtually every other variable to allow for a simulation that goes far beyond basic. What’s more, a fully interactive instructor’s portal allows for dynamic training sessions whereby the instructor can pause the simulation, make changes to the weather, and throw a myriad of curve balls at their students to practice dealing with real life scenarios, all while never leaving the ground.
Downloadable PDF copy of the operating manual and quick start guide.
Logging Time
Approved for use under Part 61 as follows:
Logging Training Time with 61.51(b)(3)(iii) & (h) Simulated Instrument Conditions
- § 61.65(h)(2) Instrument Rating: Up to 20 Hours
- § 61.109(k)(1) Private Pilot Certificate: Up to 2.5 Hours
- § 61.129(i)(1)(i) Commercial Certificate: Up to 50 Hours
- § 61.159(a)(3)(i) Airline Transport Pilot Certificate: Up to 25 Hours